The Living Rosary

Contact: Elżbieta Czyżowicz, 819 777 2278
The association of the Living Rosary is a unity of people who live for God and consider in their hearts the life of Lord Jesus and His Holy Mother while praying one decade of the Rosary (1 Our Father, 10 Hail Marys, 1 Glory Be, Fatima Prayer). Basically, this group fulfills the recommendations of the Code of Canonical Law (Cann 321 – 326) and the Statute of the Living Rosary (Conference of the Episcopate of Poland).
Spiritual unity and a common intention of the whole group add strength to every decade prayed together.
In our prayers we ask for blessing of the Pope, for the entire Church and for all personal intentions. This way we respond to the invitation from the Holy Mother of God who asked us to pray the rosary in Gietrzwałd (1877), Lourdes (1917), and Fatima (1917), and as per the recommendations of the Living Rosary founder, Venerable Servant of God Pauline Jaricot (1799 – 1862).
The entire Rosary consists of 20 mysteries, therefore, we join together in groups of 20 people – or 20 Roses. Every person gets only one specific mystery of the rosary per month, which is then changed every month. We pray individually, anywhere and at any time, but we create a unity of 20 hearts, the whole Rosary – thus every day creating a fresh and beautiful Rosary wreath for our Lady and Mother, Mary.
Members of the Living Rosary are invited to participate in formation meetings led by the Pastor, prayers at the church, apostolic actions for the Parish, pilgrimages to Marian sanctuaries and to visit the poor. All of the Living Rosary members are embraced with prayers in their lives and after death. Additionally, they receive special indulgences seven times a year and at the day of their enrolment to this group (Decree of Apostolic Penitentiary 25 October 1967).
Here is an invitation from Saint Pope John Paul II, the Great:
“I would like to encourage you to rediscover and appreciate even more the Rosary as a personal and family prayer addressed to the Mother of all faithful and of the entire Church.“
“The Rosary is my favourite prayer. A marvellous prayer! Marvellous in its simplicity and in its depth.”