Totus Tuus

Contact: Maria Wrześniewska, 343.488.2021
In our parish, the Association of Saint Pope John Paul II exists from 17 October 2013. We recognize John Paul II as a founder and patron of this group.
“ Do not stop praying.”
We want to follow his attitude expressed in his words “Totus Tuus” (i.e. totally yours, in reference to Mary). Together with Mary, the Mother of God, we want to participate and feel the liturgical events during the year, pray to Mary as our Mother, consider Her life in the Rosary, celebrate Her special holy days. We strive to recognize Her place in God’s plan of the Salvation. We want to revere Mary as a Queen of the Apostles. With her help we attempt to know better the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Trinity Sunday – feast in honor of the Holy Trinity – is our patronal Holy day. Adoration of the Most Holy Sacrament takes special place in our prayers. Our aim is to do it at least one hour per week. Our association aspires to revive the desire of Adoration of the Most Holy Sacrament in our whole parish community. We feel called to learn Saint Pope John Paul II’s teaching and proclaim this to others.
In 2016 our parish received a gift of Saint Pope John Paul II’s relics. Since then, we have happily participated once a month in the devotion to Saint John Paul II, beautifully led by our pastor, Fr. Tomasz Krzesik, OMI.