Parish Groups

The Altar Servers
Contact: pastor, 613 230 0804 Prayer before serving Soon I will come ‘to God’s altar, to God, who gives joy to my youth’. I will join the Holy service. I desire to fulfill the service well. Please Lord Jesus, give me the grace and focus, so my thoughts will be with You, so my eyes...
Children’s Choir
Contact: Every month children from the choir sing beautifully during Holy Mass. Typically the Holy Mass for children is celebrated on the last Sunday of the month at 12:30 p.m. All children willing to sing together and praise the Lord are more than welcome to join the choir. If you play any musical...
Parish Choir
Parish Choir Contact: The choir management: Chairman – Jan Grzanka Vice-chairman – Mirosław Korycki Secretary – Teresa Klimkowska St. Hyacinth Parish choir has existed for many years. Its singing enriches many religious and national celebrations every year. The choir rehearsals take place usually after the Holy Mass of Friday, around 7:30 p.m All parishioners gifted...
Contact: Polish – Jolanta Leśniak, 613 226 8944 English – J. Ozimkowski, 613 733 0188 Pope Paul VI in Apostolic letter “Ministeria Quaedam” defines the conditions and duties of lectors (i.e. readers): ‘The reader is appointed for a function proper to him, that of reading the word of God in the liturgical assembly. Accordingly, he is to...
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Contact: Włodzimierz Ziemba, 613 820 7390
Totus Tuus
Contact: Maria Wrześniewska, 343.488.2021 In our parish, the Association of Saint Pope John Paul II exists from 17 October 2013. We recognize John Paul II as a founder and patron of this group. “ Do not stop praying.” We want to follow his attitude expressed in his words “Totus Tuus” (i.e. totally yours, in...
The Living Rosary
Contact: Elżbieta Czyżowicz, 819 777 2278 The association of the Living Rosary is a unity of people who live for God and consider in their hearts the life of Lord Jesus and His Holy Mother while praying one decade of the Rosary (1 Our Father, 10 Hail Marys, 1 Glory Be, Fatima Prayer). Basically, this...
Knights of the Immaculata
Kontakt: Ela Kudakiewicz, 613 879 4014 The Knights of the Immaculata – MI (in Latin: Militia Immaculatae, meaning: the Army of the Immaculata) are a Marian – apostolic movement. It was founded by Saint Maximilian Kolbe in Rome 16 October 1917. At St. Hyacinth’s Parish in Ottawa, the Association of the Militia of the...
Apostolat Bożego Miłosierdzia
Kontakt: Bożena Tworkowska, 343 297 1885 W roku 2015, tj. roku ogłoszenia Jubileuszu Bożego Miłosierdzia przypadła inauguracja wspólnoty parafialnej “Apostolat Bożego Miłosierdzia”. Patrząc na świadectwo naszej wielkiej rodaczki świętej Siostry Faustyny Kowalskiej, sekretarki Bożego Miłosierdzia, spisanego w jej “Dzienniczku – Miłosierdzie Boże w Duszy Mojej”, staramy się realizować Program Wolontariusza Stowarzyszenia “Faustinum” zatwierdzonego przez władze...